William Ferrier
Christchurch - Oamaru - Timaru
born 20 August 1855 Edinburgh, Scotland
arrived 10 Sept 1869 at Port Chambers, New Zealand on the "William Davie" from Glasgow, aged 14 years
died 16 October 1922, Timaru New Zealand aged 67 years
buried Timaru Cemetery 18 October 1922, row 34 plot 418
(TDC Cemetery records give his age as 68 years)
William Ferrier
born 20 August 1855 Edinburgh, Scotland
arrived 10 Sept 1869 at Port Chambers, New Zealand on the "William Davie" from Glasgow, aged 14 years
died 16 October 1922, Timaru New Zealand aged 67 years
buried Timaru Cemetery 18 October 1922, row 34 plot 418
(TDC Cemetery records give his age as 68 years)
William Ferrier
William Ferrier - Photographer by John Lester
succeeded in Christchurch by William Reynolds about April 1876
Ferrier and Rock succeeded Charles Martin, Oamaru before 31 March 1879.
Ferrier and Rock, Oamaru connection severed 2 March 1881.
opened Timaru studio in Fyfe's Building, South Road on 1 June 1881.
moved to Ross's Royal Arcade, Timaru about July 1888
moved to Stafford Street, Timaru about March 1895
succeeded in Timaru by Alfred Culling July 1921
also see:
David Ferrier
Colin Ferrier
William Ferrier was born at 1:45am on 20 August 1855 at 4 George Place, Leith (or Leigh Walk), Edinburgh the second child and only surviving son of David Ferrier, a bookseller and Catherine Leith Ferrier nee Lowe. His father who was born in Edinburgh was aged 34 years. (1) His mother was aged 28 years was born on 16 July 1827 in Wick, Caithness the daughter of Rev. William Lowe a Scottish Congregational Minister and Janet Lowe nee Campbell. His parents were married on 8 August 1852 in Forfar, Angus. (1)(2)
The 1861 census shows a 5 year old William L. Ferrier at 33 Tower Street, Portobello near Edinburgh. This is the house of his grandfather the Rev. William Lowe then a Minister in Portobello. Also in the house is William's mother Catherine then aged 32 years and his sister Jessie Ferrier then aged 7 years. It appears the Rev. Lowe's first wife had died as his wife is shown in the census as Mary Ann Lowe. Two other daughter's of the Rev. Lowe are also shown, Clemmtond L. Allan who was born in Gibraltar and Eliza C. Lowe, later the wife of the Rev. Augustus Sullivan, Minister of San Salvador, Bahamas.
Died at Arthur Town, San Salvador, Bahamas, on the 9 December, Eliza Cartwright Lowe, wife of the Rev. Augustus Sullivan, minister of San Salvador, and youngest daughter of the Rev. William Lowe, Portobello.
Mrs Lewis and Flora
by William Ferrier, Ross' Royal Arcade, Timaru
The studio was located on the west side of Colombo Street between Armagh Street and Gloucester Street, opposite Cookham House. In 1872 Mr Mein's butcher shop was opposite Cookham House. Cookham House was located at about 224 Colombo Street in 1906.
Colombo Street looking north from Gloucester Street in 1864. William Ferrier's studio was located in this part of Colombo Street about ten years later.
photo by Dr. Barker
Assistant to Charles Martin
Mr W. Ferrier, the well-known photographer has now got quite settled down in his new premises, Ross' Royal Arcade. At the Main Road entrance to the Arcade Mr Ferrier has had two neat show cases erected, and a ground floor window in the premises he occupies is also filled with well arranged photographs and other excellent specimens of the art.
Ascending the staircase, other groups of cards are seen, containing, amongst others, photographs of many Englishmen of note. The first room reached is the waiting room, which is well furnished, and contains many splendid specimens from brush and pencil as well as those from the camera.
Entering the studio one finds it divided into two - an exterior and an interior; in other words an outdoor and an indoor scenery. The arrangements for lighting are perfect, and the fittings have been put up under the personal superintendence of Mr Ferrier himself. To the left of the entrance door is a prettily arranged dressing room, and to the right a dark room, in which such mysteries as "developing," for instance, are performed.
Of the studio Mr Ferrier is justly proud, and he classes it with the very best in the colony. Leading off from the waiting room is the work and printing rooms, which are in course of being finally arranged. The work turned out is of a first class kind, and visitors will find a very choice and large selection of local and other views to choose from. Such as enlargements are made a specialty, and the character of this work speaks volumes for the taste and skill of the artist.
It may be added here that Mr Ferrier has courteously invited all to visit the studio, which invitation will no doubt be eagerly taken advantage of.
In another column Mr W. Ferrier, of Ross' Arcade, and by appointment photographer to His Excellency the Governor, announces that he is now in a position to produce a class of work which for artistic excellence and finish cannot be surpassed in the colony.
The studio is now completely finished, and enables the proprietor to turn out several specialities in his art. Among them may be noticed the midget photographs, and enlargements.
The show cases, as on view in the Arcade, contain specimens which speak far more eloquently than words can do of the work done, and on enquiry the prices will be found to be most reasonable. Employing, as Mr Ferrier does, workmen living in Timaru, the money passing through his hands circulates in Timaru and district, and materially aids in keeping up the prosperity of the place.
Mr W. Ferrier has now on view at his Royal Arcade photographic studio some very fine oil paintings, which reflect the greatest credit on his skill and taste with the brush. Perhaps the finest of the specimens is one showing the rough sea which prevailed during one day last month. The painting was taken from a point on the beach near the Atlas flour mills, and the picture shows the waves as breaking over the random blocks of the mole, and the well-known "pile up" as caused by their reflection from the breakwater. The painting is a faithful one, the lights are good, and the colouring is excellent. Mr Ferrier has another "harbour" painting on his easel, which promises to be as good as the finished ones. This is a branch of art which he is making peculiarly his own, and it promises to meet with every success.
Mr W. Ferrier is now showing in the window in Ross's Arcade, a picture in oils of Timaru harbour "The first wool ship of the season." The picture is quiet in tone, and on the whole a creditable production of his brush. The point of view is from the sea beyond the breakwater, and the picture shows a ship (rather tall in the spurs) coming out in tow of the Titan.
One afternoon last week Mr W. Ferrier, accompanied by Mr Young of the Wolsely hotel, whipped the streams of Winchester, the result being the capture of 12 splendid fish - not at all a bad baskets with the fly. The trout were all in prime condition.
Mr W. Ferrier will have on view to-day at Messrs Hutton and Co.'s, a series of views which he took last week from the top of the chimney of Evans' Atlas Mill buildings.
The views, particularly one showing the whole plan of the harbour, are very fine, and taken from such an altitude give a splendid idea of settlement in the country immediately to the westward of Timaru. Mr Ferrier has taken many views on a small scale, and it is his intention if the support is forthcoming to issue them in album form.
The Borough Council chamber was last night ornamented by the large frame full of photographic views of Timaru which were presented to them by Mr Ferrier and sent to the Melbourne Exhibition.
The council went to the expense of £2 17s 6d to have the views framed and glazed before they were sent, and the Auditor-General says that not the council but the councillors must pay for it.
Mr W. Ferrier has got his photographic views of Mount Cook and neighbourhood neatly bound ready for distribution in Timaru and district. The views are bound in two sizes, one of which is very handy as a pocket album, and the other being much larger is a most suitable album for placing on the table. In each album 20 views are neatly mounted, and in addition there is an excellent map of the great lake and mountain district, also a well written descriptive letterpress of the various views, from the pen of Mr Ferrier. The prices of the albums are 7s 6d and 10s, respectively, and we are sure that the demand for them will be very great, all over the colony.
There is now on view in Mr Wagstaff's an oil painting of the harbour by Mr Ferrier. The point of view is evidently somewhere near the bend in the north mole, and the port with the town in the background makes a pretty picture seen from there. We think Mr Ferrier has treated his latest subject with greater success than any previous one.
We were shown yesterday in the harbour office, two capital photographs of the harbour by Mr Ferrier, the best we have seen for the clear idea they give of the whole works. One was taken apparently from an upper window of the Atlas Mill, the other from the cliff west of the north mole. Each takes in the whole harbour, and together would give strangers a very clear idea of what it is like.
A portrait in oil in Mr Ferrier's window attracts the notice of passers-by. It is an excellent likeness of Mr Ferrier senr., and an excellent picture. It was painted by Mr Ferrier, junr.
We notice in Mr Ferrier's window, in Ross's Arcade, a new picture in oils by Mr W. Ferrier, which is well worth looking at. It is a bit of bush with road and team, and downs and mountains in the background seen over the tree tops. The bush, road and team show excellent work, and the sky is a Now Zealand sky. But Mr Ferrier has not been happy in his choice of hues for the downs and mountains. Somehow or other nearly all the painters of New Zealand scenery go wrong in selecting colours for distant hills.
The oil paintings by Mr W. Ferrier which are to be disposed of by art union, are on view at the shop of Mr Radcliffe (Beswick street) who has framed them handsomely. The pictures are twelve in number, and comprise several views of Timaru harbour, from different standpoints, with shipping. These in our opinion are the best of the series. Others are views of Mount Cook, near and distant, and of bush and water scenes. The winner of any one of these will secure an excellent prize for a trifle, and the best ones are each worth a good deal, as works of art, while the fact that the subjects are local adds very much indeed to their value.
On Good Friday Mr W. Ferrier took a series of snap shots with his camera at the bathing ground on Caroline Bay, and the result is a set of capital pictures, which show the bathing ground and its surroundings most instructively. In fact there is a suspicion of "flattery" about them, but of course "the instrument cannot lie," and Caroline Bay must be prettier than we had thought it. There is a fair show of bathers and spectators, but there will be a heavier crop next year, and the dissemination of these pictures should help a good deal to ensure the increase. The pictures are very good, bringing out a host of details clearly.
The drawing of Mr Ferrier's art union took place last evening, and the list of winning numbers will be found in another column.
Mr W. Ferrier had a choice sepia drawing of the harbour on view at Messrs Hutton and Co's shop on Saturday. The view is from on imaginary standpoint, and discloses the harbour as seen directly on entering between the moles. The picture shows a lot of careful work, and is bound to be much admired.
We have received from P. W. Hutton and Co. a copy of a pictorial sheet calendar for 1892, which is deserving of mention for the fact that the pictures are of local subjects. The centre is occupied by a view of the harbour, from just outside the entrance, lithographed from a sketch by Mr W. Ferrier. The corners contain small views of the Convent, the High School, the Atlas Mill, and Mount Cook, whilst at the top is a view of a portion of Timaru. The illustrations were lithographed by Willis of Wanganui. The centre picture is a good bit of work of its kind.
One effect of the late storm on the beaches is that the Waimataitai spit has been driven southward by the easterly sea. This fact is recorded by one of the storm photographs in Mr Ferrier's window, the one showing the surf at the south side of Dashing Rocks. In the foreground the water is seen flowing over a clay bed, the shingle having been carried away in part, and in part swept inland the latter as a consequence of the former.
Mr Ferrier had in his shop window in the Arcade yesterday an interesting photograph. It was labelled "Timaru beach 20 years ago," but a certain feature of the picture shows we understand, that it was taken in 1874. The picture was taken from the end of the spur (now cut back) opposite the passenger station, and shows Cain's landing service at the foot of George street, the building connected with the service, the N M. and A. Company's bluestone store, and on the beach proper two or three surfboats, and the object above referred to — the small screw steamer Lady of the Lake, run up on the beach among the surfboats.
Old residents recall the fact that this little vessel was in difficulties of some sort in the roadstead and to save trouble she was sailed right ashore at Cain's Service, where she was conveniently discharged of a cargo of kauri, and launched again. The photograph is in very good condition, looks as fresh as new in fact. The alterations made in the locality since it was taken, make it quite difficult for later comers to believe that the photo represents any part of Timaru at any time.
There was a splendid attendance at the usual weekly meeting of the Timaru Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Society on Thursday evening last to hear a lecture on "Photography" by Mr W. Ferrier. In introducing the lecturer, the chairman the Rev. W. J. Williams, stated that the society were fortunate in having amongst its numbers one who could turn his provisional knowledge to account in such a manner as the lecturer purposed doing, in explaining the mysteries of tho photographic art.
Mr Ferrier's lecture proved most interesting and instructive. He traced photography from its origin, down to the latest inventions, explained the many purposes the camera is used for, showed how difficult it was in the earlier stages to discover the proper chemicals, and how by a simple accident the length of time required to develop a copy was brought down from several hours to a few minutes, how also the length of a sitting had been reduced from hours to the briefest instant. After describing the various chemically prepared papers required for use the lecturer took a couple of photographs by the magnesium flash light of the members whilst in the room, which, besides being such a novelty, proved a practical illustration, the more interesting as the picture was developed before the members. The lecture was listened to most patiently, and at its close Mr Ferrier was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his interesting remarks. Next week Mr Coe reads a paper on "Love fulfilling the law."
Mr W, Ferrier is now offering at his Arcade studio a very nice photographic panorama of Timaru. It consists of four clear views, embracing the whole of the town and the harbour, as seen from the summit of the Atlas Mill chimney. They must have been taken under very favourable circumstances, being perfectly sharp in detail. They are mounted in the well-known book panorama style, are accompanied by a brief letter press description, and bound within stout covers; the first bearing an ornamental lithographed title, with a view of Caroline Bay. The packet is just the thing to send to friends at Home as a Christmas present.
The presentation photograph of the Wesleyan choir, which was given to Mr J. Hooper, organist of tho choir, on Monday, was on view yesterday in Mr Ferrier's Christmas window, and was much admired for its clearness in such a large picture. Mr Ferrier has taken a room opposite his old window, one having a good spread of glass, behind which he has an excellent array of photographs. Prominent among them is a framed set of three sun pictures of the Bowling Green on opening day last week, good photographs of an animated scene. Above the photographs Mr Ferrier has placed his oil painting of Caroline Bay and Dashing Rocks.
Mr W. Ferrier was down yesterday securing a photograph of the harbour in its unusually busy aspect.
Mr W. Ferrier has provided a record of this busy week's work in the port, in a couple of photographs. One taken in the morning from the bank near the landing service shown two steamers at the main wharf and a barque hauled off, two barques at the Moody wharf, two others at the outer buoys, and three coasters at buoys. The second, a larger and better picture, taken from the upper floor of the C.F.C.A. Store in the afternoon of the same day, shows a third steamer just come in.
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Timaru Lodge, United Ancient Order of Druids, was held last evening in the Foresters' Hall, George street ... A quantity of correspondence was read ... from Bro. W. Ferrier, asking that he be permitted to photograph the Grand Lodge officers on the day after the Grand Lodge meeting ... Bro W. Ferrier's letter was handed to the representatives to deal with ...
Mr W. Ferrier has prepared a nice variety of photographic Christmas cards in time for sending Home - a mail leaving to-day reaches London on December 20th. The cards contain different arrangements of local photographic views, with floral ornamentation. One, for instance, contains 35 views of the principal buildings of Timaru, the harbour and sands. This is set off with toi plumes photographed with the arrangement of views. Others contain a smaller number of views in different parts of South Canterbury, and an excellent one for sending Home is composed of selected Maori portraits. Compared with the merely, pretty conventional, totally uninstructive kind of Christmas card produced by German colour printers, these have a permanent interest and value, not only for friends at Home, but amongst ourselves. And for all purposes, the local industry should have the preference.
Mr W Ferrier has just worked out a pleasant puzzle set him nearly two months ago. Early in May, after it had been detained some time in Christchurch through misdirection, he received a letter covering a formal certificate from the committee of the West Coast Exhibition, that his exhibit in Section A, subsection 1, had been awarded "highly commended," and that this award entitled him to receive the Exhibition Silver Medal. Mr Ferrier was completely puzzled. He had never sent en exhibit for Section A, sub-section 1 of the West Coast Exhibition, he did not even know there was such a subsection, section, or exhibition. After a good deal of inquiry he has just ascertained that some one, as yet unascertained, sent a watercolour painting of his from the Christchurch Art Gallery to the exhibition, and the result was the unexpected official commendation above described. Mr Ferrier does not even know which of his pictures was sent.
Mr W Ferrier has in his window in the Arcade a novel Christmas, card — "Gems of South Canterbury" - a mass of heads of infants he has photographed from time to time. They all come out very well, and the card should be popular, certainly with those who can by looking at 100 to 200 heads find that of a domestic pet among them. Mr Ferrier has also an enlargement of the card on view.
Mr W. Ferrier has three new views of the harbour in his Arcade show window, taken the other day when the port was busy. They show from different points of view the steamers Tekoa, Hauroto, and Herald at the main wharf, the ship and barque at the Moody wharf, and two schooners at buoys.
A little girl named Ferrier, a daughter of Mr Ferrier, of Timaru, was knocked down by a horse in Itchen street, on Saturday morning. The child, with two other children, was crossing the road, when two of them were knocked down by a horse being ridden up the street by a boy named Smith, who had not proper control of the animal, but was riding it simply with a piece of cord instead of proper reins. One child escaped uninjured but the little girl in question sustained a severe scalp wound and also wounds on the face which will, it is feared, cause disfigurement for life.
Mr Ferrier has in his shop window a large oil painting, by Mr Fodor of Mr J. S. Rutherford, mounted on "Otaio" as Master of the South Canterbury Hunt, with a few of the hounds in the foreground and a view on the Opawa estate as background. Mr Fodor made a very good picture of the animals, but has not been too successful with the portrait and the scenery.
A preliminary meeting of gentlemen interested in Art, met on Thursday evening at Mr Ferrier's studio, to discuss the advisability of forming an Art Society in Timaru, having for its object the cultivation of an increased taste for art, drawing and sketching from nature, and the encouragement and promotion of the fine arts generally.
An advertisement in another column calling a meeting on Wednesday evening at the Town Hall, will no doubt be the means of drawing together all lovers of art as well as those who practice art. There has been a long-felt want in Timaru for a society of this kind, and it is to be hoped that the matter will be taken up in an enthusiastic manner. It has been suggested that the scope of the organisation might be enlarged by introducing a sketching club in connection with an Art Society. The society would be governed by a council, invested with the power to hold annual exhibitions of work by the members, whether in sketching or enlarged pictures from nature, or ideal works of art. The management could also provide for outings and periodical private exhibition with a view of comparison and mutual improvement also for public exhibitions and disposal of members' work. About three months ago, an exhibition of art work was held at Ashburton, which was much appreciated, and brought to light a considerable amount of talent.
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Society was held on Thursday evening last in the schoolroom, the president, Rev. C. E. Beecroft, in the chair ... The business for the evening was papers on "Modern Progress in Art and Science." Mr W. Ferrier took that on Photography ... Photography, said Mr Ferrier, was making such rapid strides forward that it would be unwise to say where it was going to stop. It could take views of the a sun, moon and stars, and it could descend to the mightiest deep ...
Timaru Herald, 20 August 1890 - August 1898
above - this photograph is believed to be a copy made by Ferrier; the original photographer is not known.
succeeded in Christchurch by William Reynolds about April 1876
Ferrier and Rock succeeded Charles Martin, Oamaru before 31 March 1879.
Ferrier and Rock, Oamaru connection severed 2 March 1881.
opened Timaru studio in Fyfe's Building, South Road on 1 June 1881.
moved to Ross's Royal Arcade, Timaru about July 1888
moved to Stafford Street, Timaru about March 1895
succeeded in Timaru by Alfred Culling July 1921
also see:
David Ferrier
Colin Ferrier
William Ferrier was born at 1:45am on 20 August 1855 at 4 George Place, Leith (or Leigh Walk), Edinburgh the second child and only surviving son of David Ferrier, a bookseller and Catherine Leith Ferrier nee Lowe. His father who was born in Edinburgh was aged 34 years. (1) His mother was aged 28 years was born on 16 July 1827 in Wick, Caithness the daughter of Rev. William Lowe a Scottish Congregational Minister and Janet Lowe nee Campbell. His parents were married on 8 August 1852 in Forfar, Angus. (1)(2)
The 1861 census shows a 5 year old William L. Ferrier at 33 Tower Street, Portobello near Edinburgh. This is the house of his grandfather the Rev. William Lowe then a Minister in Portobello. Also in the house is William's mother Catherine then aged 32 years and his sister Jessie Ferrier then aged 7 years. It appears the Rev. Lowe's first wife had died as his wife is shown in the census as Mary Ann Lowe. Two other daughter's of the Rev. Lowe are also shown, Clemmtond L. Allan who was born in Gibraltar and Eliza C. Lowe, later the wife of the Rev. Augustus Sullivan, Minister of San Salvador, Bahamas.
Died at Arthur Town, San Salvador, Bahamas, on the 9 December, Eliza Cartwright Lowe, wife of the Rev. Augustus Sullivan, minister of San Salvador, and youngest daughter of the Rev. William Lowe, Portobello.
The Edinburgh Evening Courant 9 January 1867 page 4.
Mrs Lewis and Flora
by William Ferrier, Ross' Royal Arcade, Timaru
W. Ferrier, Colombo Street, Christchurch - The Southern Provinces Almanac 1876.
The studio was located on the west side of Colombo Street between Armagh Street and Gloucester Street, opposite Cookham House. In 1872 Mr Mein's butcher shop was opposite Cookham House. Cookham House was located at about 224 Colombo Street in 1906.

photo by Dr. Barker
by William Ferrier, photographer,
opposite Cookham House, Colombo Street, Christchurch
opposite Cookham House, Colombo Street, Christchurch
Assistant to Charles Martin
Mr W. Ferrier, formerly of Oamaru, writes to the Timaru Post as follows: — I have just had sent me a copy of the Timaru Post of February 12th, containing a report of the enquiry held in re[gard to] the recent C.F.C.A. fire, the cause of which seems to be enshrouded in mystery. My object in writing is to mention a circumstance which came under my notice some years ago.
I was engaged as assistant in the late Mr C. Martin's photographic studio in Oamaru. One evening, just before closing time, I went through the studio, and was surprised to find the room full of smoke. On looking round I soon discovered that the blinds which were used for regulating the light coming through the skylight were on fire. Fortunately they were made of material that did not readily burst into flame, but merely smouldered, otherwise the place would probably have been burnt down. On examining the glass afterwards, a flaw, was discovered which acted as a burning glass which focussed the sun's rays on the blind with the result stated above."
I was engaged as assistant in the late Mr C. Martin's photographic studio in Oamaru. One evening, just before closing time, I went through the studio, and was surprised to find the room full of smoke. On looking round I soon discovered that the blinds which were used for regulating the light coming through the skylight were on fire. Fortunately they were made of material that did not readily burst into flame, but merely smouldered, otherwise the place would probably have been burnt down. On examining the glass afterwards, a flaw, was discovered which acted as a burning glass which focussed the sun's rays on the blind with the result stated above."
Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 9773, 25 February 1908
In 1881 William Ferrier open his new studio in Timaru situated in Fyfe's Building opposite the theatre in South Road (later known as Stafford Street). This notice (below) first appeared in the Timaru Herald on 17 May 1881 announcing the portrait rooms would open in a few days time.
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2074, 17 May 1881, Page 4
Enlarged Photographs.— We were shown yesterday by Mr Ferrier, photographer, two excellent specimens of enlarged photographs finished in oils, which are equal, if not superior, to anything of the kind we have seen before. One of them is a portrait of Mr Ferrier, sen., and this has been displayed in one of the shop windows in town, and was admired by all who saw it. The other is a larger one, the portrait of a prominent citizen, and is even a better portrait than the other. Mr Ferrier is prepared to execute commissions for enlargements, plain or colored. For the latter the finishing in oils is entrusted to an artist who has made a reputation as a portrait painter, and his skill as a painter, combined with that of Mr Ferrier as a photographer, ensures a satisfactory picture. The photographs are wholly covered with oil, and therefore the pictures possess the lasting qualities of an ordinary oil painting, together with a fidelity in details that a painter cannot approach. The prices appear to be very reasonable for the quality of the work.
Mr Ferrier, photographer, announces that, commencing on Monday next, he will take Jubilee photographs cabinet size for 12s 6d per dozen, and carte de visite sizes from 7s 6d per dozen. The specimens Mr Ferrier has shown us are really works of art, and the venture should be very successful.
This notice was published in each issue until a new notice on 31 May announced the studio would open on the 1 June 1881. A few days later a notice (below) was published advising the studio was now open. This notice was published until mid September 1881.
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2090, 4 June 1881, Page 4
Views of
Timaru. — We have had presented to us by Mr Ferrier, photographer, the
first of a series of some well executed street views of Timaru and the
principal buildings in the town. They are in folded book form, and are
very nicely got up.
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 2174, 10 September 1881, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 2188, 27 September 1881, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 2619, 13 February 1883, Page 3
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2843, 2 November 1883, Page 4
Enlarged Photographs.— We were shown yesterday by Mr Ferrier, photographer, two excellent specimens of enlarged photographs finished in oils, which are equal, if not superior, to anything of the kind we have seen before. One of them is a portrait of Mr Ferrier, sen., and this has been displayed in one of the shop windows in town, and was admired by all who saw it. The other is a larger one, the portrait of a prominent citizen, and is even a better portrait than the other. Mr Ferrier is prepared to execute commissions for enlargements, plain or colored. For the latter the finishing in oils is entrusted to an artist who has made a reputation as a portrait painter, and his skill as a painter, combined with that of Mr Ferrier as a photographer, ensures a satisfactory picture. The photographs are wholly covered with oil, and therefore the pictures possess the lasting qualities of an ordinary oil painting, together with a fidelity in details that a painter cannot approach. The prices appear to be very reasonable for the quality of the work.
Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3068, 24 July 1884, Page 2
Views of Timaru. We have had an opportunity of inspecting a quantity of Christmas and New Year photographic cards which Mr W. Ferrier is just issuing. The views, which are of Timaru and other places in the district, are of varied designs and forms but are all neat, original and artistic.
Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3149, 27 October 1884, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3177, 1 December 1884, Page 4
An Interesting Photograph. — We have been shown a capital photograph, taken by Mr W. Ferrier, of the engine sheds, the engines and some twenty-four of the employes (sic) belonging to the locomotive branch of the Railway Department at Timaru. The locomotives are pictures in themselves, while the majority of the faces are easily recognisable.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3232, 4 February 1885, Page 2
Timaru Borough Council ... Correspondence. After confirming the minutes, letters were opened and dealt with ... From Mr W. Ferrier, photographer, asking permission to erect a sunshade over his show cases at the entrance to his studio, Main Road. — Declined applicant referred to bye-law.
North Otago Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 5010, 14 November 1885, Page 4
Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3505, 22 December 1885, Page 4
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3773, 23 October 1886, Page 4
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3807, 14 December 1886, Page 3
Mr Ferrier, photographer, announces that, commencing on Monday next, he will take Jubilee photographs cabinet size for 12s 6d per dozen, and carte de visite sizes from 7s 6d per dozen. The specimens Mr Ferrier has shown us are really works of art, and the venture should be very successful.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3961, 18 June 1887, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3962, 20 June 1887, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3962, 20 June 1887, Page 1
Art Loan Exhibition
A special meeting of the Committee of the Art Loan Exhibition was held yesterday afternoon in the Town Hall. Members present Mr D. M. Ross (in the chair), and Messrs W. J. Tennent, R. Mackay, M. Gray, W. Ferrier, J. H. Wilson, Geo. R. George, J. Mourant, D. Blair, A. Hart, H. Wilson-Smith, and S. F. Smithson ... A general working committee was elected as follows Messrs Ross, Gray, Smith, Smithson, Blair, George, McKay, Rutland, Wade, Tennent, Ferrier, Jonas, Wilson, Hope and Ziesler, with power to add.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 4021, 31 August 1887, Page 2
Ross' Royal Arcade
The Stafford Street or Main Road entrance to the Royal Arcade about 1900. William Ferrier's studio was located further down the Arcade.
photo by William Ferrier from "The Jubilee Number - The Weekly Press 1850-1900"
The Stafford Street or Main Road entrance to the Royal Arcade about 1900. William Ferrier's studio was located further down the Arcade.
photo by William Ferrier from "The Jubilee Number - The Weekly Press 1850-1900"
Mr W. Ferrier, the well-known photographer has now got quite settled down in his new premises, Ross' Royal Arcade. At the Main Road entrance to the Arcade Mr Ferrier has had two neat show cases erected, and a ground floor window in the premises he occupies is also filled with well arranged photographs and other excellent specimens of the art.
Ascending the staircase, other groups of cards are seen, containing, amongst others, photographs of many Englishmen of note. The first room reached is the waiting room, which is well furnished, and contains many splendid specimens from brush and pencil as well as those from the camera.
Entering the studio one finds it divided into two - an exterior and an interior; in other words an outdoor and an indoor scenery. The arrangements for lighting are perfect, and the fittings have been put up under the personal superintendence of Mr Ferrier himself. To the left of the entrance door is a prettily arranged dressing room, and to the right a dark room, in which such mysteries as "developing," for instance, are performed.
Of the studio Mr Ferrier is justly proud, and he classes it with the very best in the colony. Leading off from the waiting room is the work and printing rooms, which are in course of being finally arranged. The work turned out is of a first class kind, and visitors will find a very choice and large selection of local and other views to choose from. Such as enlargements are made a specialty, and the character of this work speaks volumes for the taste and skill of the artist.
It may be added here that Mr Ferrier has courteously invited all to visit the studio, which invitation will no doubt be eagerly taken advantage of.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 4299, 31 July 1888, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4309, 13 August 1888, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4309, 13 August 1888, Page 1
In another column Mr W. Ferrier, of Ross' Arcade, and by appointment photographer to His Excellency the Governor, announces that he is now in a position to produce a class of work which for artistic excellence and finish cannot be surpassed in the colony.
The studio is now completely finished, and enables the proprietor to turn out several specialities in his art. Among them may be noticed the midget photographs, and enlargements.
The show cases, as on view in the Arcade, contain specimens which speak far more eloquently than words can do of the work done, and on enquiry the prices will be found to be most reasonable. Employing, as Mr Ferrier does, workmen living in Timaru, the money passing through his hands circulates in Timaru and district, and materially aids in keeping up the prosperity of the place.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4324, 30 August 1888, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier has now on view at his Royal Arcade photographic studio some very fine oil paintings, which reflect the greatest credit on his skill and taste with the brush. Perhaps the finest of the specimens is one showing the rough sea which prevailed during one day last month. The painting was taken from a point on the beach near the Atlas flour mills, and the picture shows the waves as breaking over the random blocks of the mole, and the well-known "pile up" as caused by their reflection from the breakwater. The painting is a faithful one, the lights are good, and the colouring is excellent. Mr Ferrier has another "harbour" painting on his easel, which promises to be as good as the finished ones. This is a branch of art which he is making peculiarly his own, and it promises to meet with every success.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4354, 3 October 1888, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4370, 22 October 1888, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4370, 22 October 1888, Page 1
Mr W. Ferrier is now showing in the window in Ross's Arcade, a picture in oils of Timaru harbour "The first wool ship of the season." The picture is quiet in tone, and on the whole a creditable production of his brush. The point of view is from the sea beyond the breakwater, and the picture shows a ship (rather tall in the spurs) coming out in tow of the Titan.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 4375, 27 October 1888, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4546, 23 May 1889, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4546, 23 May 1889, Page 1
One afternoon last week Mr W. Ferrier, accompanied by Mr Young of the Wolsely hotel, whipped the streams of Winchester, the result being the capture of 12 splendid fish - not at all a bad baskets with the fly. The trout were all in prime condition.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 4682, 30 October 1889, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier will have on view to-day at Messrs Hutton and Co.'s, a series of views which he took last week from the top of the chimney of Evans' Atlas Mill buildings.
The views, particularly one showing the whole plan of the harbour, are very fine, and taken from such an altitude give a splendid idea of settlement in the country immediately to the westward of Timaru. Mr Ferrier has taken many views on a small scale, and it is his intention if the support is forthcoming to issue them in album form.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 440, 28 November 1888, Page 2
Mr Ferrier had in his window on Saturday a large photo of the Tasman Valley, showing the terminal face of the glacier, and the wide rough riverbed that begins as suddenly as the glacier leaves off.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4497, 25 March 1889, Page 2
The Borough Council chamber was last night ornamented by the large frame full of photographic views of Timaru which were presented to them by Mr Ferrier and sent to the Melbourne Exhibition.
The council went to the expense of £2 17s 6d to have the views framed and glazed before they were sent, and the Auditor-General says that not the council but the councillors must pay for it.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4516, 16 April 1889, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier has got his photographic views of Mount Cook and neighbourhood neatly bound ready for distribution in Timaru and district. The views are bound in two sizes, one of which is very handy as a pocket album, and the other being much larger is a most suitable album for placing on the table. In each album 20 views are neatly mounted, and in addition there is an excellent map of the great lake and mountain district, also a well written descriptive letterpress of the various views, from the pen of Mr Ferrier. The prices of the albums are 7s 6d and 10s, respectively, and we are sure that the demand for them will be very great, all over the colony.
Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4517, 17 April 1889, Page 2
There is now on view in Mr Wagstaff's an oil painting of the harbour by Mr Ferrier. The point of view is evidently somewhere near the bend in the north mole, and the port with the town in the background makes a pretty picture seen from there. We think Mr Ferrier has treated his latest subject with greater success than any previous one.
Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4780, 28 February 1890, Page 2
We were shown yesterday in the harbour office, two capital photographs of the harbour by Mr Ferrier, the best we have seen for the clear idea they give of the whole works. One was taken apparently from an upper window of the Atlas Mill, the other from the cliff west of the north mole. Each takes in the whole harbour, and together would give strangers a very clear idea of what it is like.
Timaru Herald, Volume L, Issue 4874, 20 June 1890, Page 2
A portrait in oil in Mr Ferrier's window attracts the notice of passers-by. It is an excellent likeness of Mr Ferrier senr., and an excellent picture. It was painted by Mr Ferrier, junr.
Timaru Herald, Volume LI, Issue 4932, 3 September 1890, Page 2
We notice in Mr Ferrier's window, in Ross's Arcade, a new picture in oils by Mr W. Ferrier, which is well worth looking at. It is a bit of bush with road and team, and downs and mountains in the background seen over the tree tops. The bush, road and team show excellent work, and the sky is a Now Zealand sky. But Mr Ferrier has not been happy in his choice of hues for the downs and mountains. Somehow or other nearly all the painters of New Zealand scenery go wrong in selecting colours for distant hills.
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5079, 27 February 1891, Page 2
The oil paintings by Mr W. Ferrier which are to be disposed of by art union, are on view at the shop of Mr Radcliffe (Beswick street) who has framed them handsomely. The pictures are twelve in number, and comprise several views of Timaru harbour, from different standpoints, with shipping. These in our opinion are the best of the series. Others are views of Mount Cook, near and distant, and of bush and water scenes. The winner of any one of these will secure an excellent prize for a trifle, and the best ones are each worth a good deal, as works of art, while the fact that the subjects are local adds very much indeed to their value.
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5102, 28 March 1891, Page 2
On Good Friday Mr W. Ferrier took a series of snap shots with his camera at the bathing ground on Caroline Bay, and the result is a set of capital pictures, which show the bathing ground and its surroundings most instructively. In fact there is a suspicion of "flattery" about them, but of course "the instrument cannot lie," and Caroline Bay must be prettier than we had thought it. There is a fair show of bathers and spectators, but there will be a heavier crop next year, and the dissemination of these pictures should help a good deal to ensure the increase. The pictures are very good, bringing out a host of details clearly.
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5107, 3 April 1891, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5156, 1 June 1891, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5156, 1 June 1891, Page 1
The drawing of Mr Ferrier's art union took place last evening, and the list of winning numbers will be found in another column.
Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5161, 6 June 1891, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5213, 12 August 1891, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5213, 12 August 1891, Page 1
Mr W. Ferrier had a choice sepia drawing of the harbour on view at Messrs Hutton and Co's shop on Saturday. The view is from on imaginary standpoint, and discloses the harbour as seen directly on entering between the moles. The picture shows a lot of careful work, and is bound to be much admired.
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5239, 14 September 1891, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5269, 21 October 1891, Page 3
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5269, 21 October 1891, Page 3
We have received from P. W. Hutton and Co. a copy of a pictorial sheet calendar for 1892, which is deserving of mention for the fact that the pictures are of local subjects. The centre is occupied by a view of the harbour, from just outside the entrance, lithographed from a sketch by Mr W. Ferrier. The corners contain small views of the Convent, the High School, the Atlas Mill, and Mount Cook, whilst at the top is a view of a portion of Timaru. The illustrations were lithographed by Willis of Wanganui. The centre picture is a good bit of work of its kind.
Timaru Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 5330, 6 January 1892, Page 2
One effect of the late storm on the beaches is that the Waimataitai spit has been driven southward by the easterly sea. This fact is recorded by one of the storm photographs in Mr Ferrier's window, the one showing the surf at the south side of Dashing Rocks. In the foreground the water is seen flowing over a clay bed, the shingle having been carried away in part, and in part swept inland the latter as a consequence of the former.
Timaru Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 5369, 25 February 1892, Page 2
Mr Ferrier had in his shop window in the Arcade yesterday an interesting photograph. It was labelled "Timaru beach 20 years ago," but a certain feature of the picture shows we understand, that it was taken in 1874. The picture was taken from the end of the spur (now cut back) opposite the passenger station, and shows Cain's landing service at the foot of George street, the building connected with the service, the N M. and A. Company's bluestone store, and on the beach proper two or three surfboats, and the object above referred to — the small screw steamer Lady of the Lake, run up on the beach among the surfboats.
Old residents recall the fact that this little vessel was in difficulties of some sort in the roadstead and to save trouble she was sailed right ashore at Cain's Service, where she was conveniently discharged of a cargo of kauri, and launched again. The photograph is in very good condition, looks as fresh as new in fact. The alterations made in the locality since it was taken, make it quite difficult for later comers to believe that the photo represents any part of Timaru at any time.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5476, 29 July 1892, Page 2
There was a splendid attendance at the usual weekly meeting of the Timaru Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Society on Thursday evening last to hear a lecture on "Photography" by Mr W. Ferrier. In introducing the lecturer, the chairman the Rev. W. J. Williams, stated that the society were fortunate in having amongst its numbers one who could turn his provisional knowledge to account in such a manner as the lecturer purposed doing, in explaining the mysteries of tho photographic art.
Mr Ferrier's lecture proved most interesting and instructive. He traced photography from its origin, down to the latest inventions, explained the many purposes the camera is used for, showed how difficult it was in the earlier stages to discover the proper chemicals, and how by a simple accident the length of time required to develop a copy was brought down from several hours to a few minutes, how also the length of a sitting had been reduced from hours to the briefest instant. After describing the various chemically prepared papers required for use the lecturer took a couple of photographs by the magnesium flash light of the members whilst in the room, which, besides being such a novelty, proved a practical illustration, the more interesting as the picture was developed before the members. The lecture was listened to most patiently, and at its close Mr Ferrier was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his interesting remarks. Next week Mr Coe reads a paper on "Love fulfilling the law."
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5509, 10 September 1892, Page 2
Mr W, Ferrier is now offering at his Arcade studio a very nice photographic panorama of Timaru. It consists of four clear views, embracing the whole of the town and the harbour, as seen from the summit of the Atlas Mill chimney. They must have been taken under very favourable circumstances, being perfectly sharp in detail. They are mounted in the well-known book panorama style, are accompanied by a brief letter press description, and bound within stout covers; the first bearing an ornamental lithographed title, with a view of Caroline Bay. The packet is just the thing to send to friends at Home as a Christmas present.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5555, 3 November 1892, Page 2
The presentation photograph of the Wesleyan choir, which was given to Mr J. Hooper, organist of tho choir, on Monday, was on view yesterday in Mr Ferrier's Christmas window, and was much admired for its clearness in such a large picture. Mr Ferrier has taken a room opposite his old window, one having a good spread of glass, behind which he has an excellent array of photographs. Prominent among them is a framed set of three sun pictures of the Bowling Green on opening day last week, good photographs of an animated scene. Above the photographs Mr Ferrier has placed his oil painting of Caroline Bay and Dashing Rocks.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5578, 30 November 1892, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier was down yesterday securing a photograph of the harbour in its unusually busy aspect.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5640, 15 February 1893, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier has provided a record of this busy week's work in the port, in a couple of photographs. One taken in the morning from the bank near the landing service shown two steamers at the main wharf and a barque hauled off, two barques at the Moody wharf, two others at the outer buoys, and three coasters at buoys. The second, a larger and better picture, taken from the upper floor of the C.F.C.A. Store in the afternoon of the same day, shows a third steamer just come in.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5643, 18 February 1893, Page 2
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Timaru Lodge, United Ancient Order of Druids, was held last evening in the Foresters' Hall, George street ... A quantity of correspondence was read ... from Bro. W. Ferrier, asking that he be permitted to photograph the Grand Lodge officers on the day after the Grand Lodge meeting ... Bro W. Ferrier's letter was handed to the representatives to deal with ...
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5645, 22 February 1893, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier has prepared a nice variety of photographic Christmas cards in time for sending Home - a mail leaving to-day reaches London on December 20th. The cards contain different arrangements of local photographic views, with floral ornamentation. One, for instance, contains 35 views of the principal buildings of Timaru, the harbour and sands. This is set off with toi plumes photographed with the arrangement of views. Others contain a smaller number of views in different parts of South Canterbury, and an excellent one for sending Home is composed of selected Maori portraits. Compared with the merely, pretty conventional, totally uninstructive kind of Christmas card produced by German colour printers, these have a permanent interest and value, not only for friends at Home, but amongst ourselves. And for all purposes, the local industry should have the preference.
Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5806, 6 November 1893, Page 2
Mr W Ferrier has just worked out a pleasant puzzle set him nearly two months ago. Early in May, after it had been detained some time in Christchurch through misdirection, he received a letter covering a formal certificate from the committee of the West Coast Exhibition, that his exhibit in Section A, subsection 1, had been awarded "highly commended," and that this award entitled him to receive the Exhibition Silver Medal. Mr Ferrier was completely puzzled. He had never sent en exhibit for Section A, sub-section 1 of the West Coast Exhibition, he did not even know there was such a subsection, section, or exhibition. After a good deal of inquiry he has just ascertained that some one, as yet unascertained, sent a watercolour painting of his from the Christchurch Art Gallery to the exhibition, and the result was the unexpected official commendation above described. Mr Ferrier does not even know which of his pictures was sent.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6003, 30 June 1894, Page 2
Mr W Ferrier has in his window in the Arcade a novel Christmas, card — "Gems of South Canterbury" - a mass of heads of infants he has photographed from time to time. They all come out very well, and the card should be popular, certainly with those who can by looking at 100 to 200 heads find that of a domestic pet among them. Mr Ferrier has also an enlargement of the card on view.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 1600, 27 October 1894, Page 2
Mr W. Ferrier has three new views of the harbour in his Arcade show window, taken the other day when the port was busy. They show from different points of view the steamers Tekoa, Hauroto, and Herald at the main wharf, the ship and barque at the Moody wharf, and two schooners at buoys.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 1637, 20 December 1894, Page 2
A little girl named Ferrier, a daughter of Mr Ferrier, of Timaru, was knocked down by a horse in Itchen street, on Saturday morning. The child, with two other children, was crossing the road, when two of them were knocked down by a horse being ridden up the street by a boy named Smith, who had not proper control of the animal, but was riding it simply with a piece of cord instead of proper reins. One child escaped uninjured but the little girl in question sustained a severe scalp wound and also wounds on the face which will, it is feared, cause disfigurement for life.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 1656, 9 January 1895, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 1702, 5 March 1895, Page 1
Mr Ferrier has in his shop window a large oil painting, by Mr Fodor of Mr J. S. Rutherford, mounted on "Otaio" as Master of the South Canterbury Hunt, with a few of the hounds in the foreground and a view on the Opawa estate as background. Mr Fodor made a very good picture of the animals, but has not been too successful with the portrait and the scenery.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 1727, 15 April 1895, Page 2
A preliminary meeting of gentlemen interested in Art, met on Thursday evening at Mr Ferrier's studio, to discuss the advisability of forming an Art Society in Timaru, having for its object the cultivation of an increased taste for art, drawing and sketching from nature, and the encouragement and promotion of the fine arts generally.
An advertisement in another column calling a meeting on Wednesday evening at the Town Hall, will no doubt be the means of drawing together all lovers of art as well as those who practice art. There has been a long-felt want in Timaru for a society of this kind, and it is to be hoped that the matter will be taken up in an enthusiastic manner. It has been suggested that the scope of the organisation might be enlarged by introducing a sketching club in connection with an Art Society. The society would be governed by a council, invested with the power to hold annual exhibitions of work by the members, whether in sketching or enlarged pictures from nature, or ideal works of art. The management could also provide for outings and periodical private exhibition with a view of comparison and mutual improvement also for public exhibitions and disposal of members' work. About three months ago, an exhibition of art work was held at Ashburton, which was much appreciated, and brought to light a considerable amount of talent.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 1848, 24 August 1895, Page 2
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Society was held on Thursday evening last in the schoolroom, the president, Rev. C. E. Beecroft, in the chair ... The business for the evening was papers on "Modern Progress in Art and Science." Mr W. Ferrier took that on Photography ... Photography, said Mr Ferrier, was making such rapid strides forward that it would be unwise to say where it was going to stop. It could take views of the a sun, moon and stars, and it could descend to the mightiest deep ...
Timaru Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 1898, 21 October 1895, Page 2
Temuka Leader, Issue 2887, 29 October 1895
Temuka Leader, Issue 2887, 29 October 1895
Temuka Leader, Issue 2911, 24 December 1895
Timaru Herald, 20 August 1890 - August 1898
Ferrier, William, Artist and Photographer, and Importer of photographic-sundries, Stafford Street, Timaru. This is the most important business of its kind in South Canterbury, and was originally established by Mr. Ferrier in 1881 in Fife's Buildings, opposite the Theatre Royal. He afterwards removed to the Royal Arcade, but his business continuing to expand, he again made a change to his present more commodious premises. The shop is stocked with sundries for supplying amateurs, etc., and the studio, 40 feet × 15 feet, is admirably lighted. There are also well-furnished waiting and retiring rooms. Mr. Ferrier makes a specialty of landscape work, specimens of which were forwarded to the Melbourne Exhibition of 1880. He is a working member of the Canterbury Art Society. Mr. Ferrier is a native of Edinburgh and came to the Colony with his father, the late Mr. David Ferrier, in 1869. He went for a time to a stationery business, but gained experience in photography under the late Mr. John Gall, who had the leading business in Christchurch at that time. Before coming to Timaru in 1881, he was in business in Oamaru as a member of the firm of Ferrier and Rock.
The Cyclopedia Of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District] 1903above - this photograph is believed to be a copy made by Ferrier; the original photographer is not known.
The reverse of this photograph indicates this is Samuel Anderson the father of John Anderson.

"Aggie 1892"
[purchased 5 October 2024]
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
family group, probably mother, daughter, granddaughter and great
grandchild, photographed by William Ferrier, 36.5cm x 29cm [trimmed],
image 29.5cm x 24.5cm, reverse inscription "Mr Cross white and gold" -
framer's instructions. Identified as William Ferrier by studio interior.
Purchased November 2021.
above cabinet card courtesy of Laurence Eagle

The man pictured above is the same man shown in the carte de visite below.

above - identified from the Cyclopedia of New Zealand vol. 3. Canterbury as Mrs Ann Kelman wife of Alexander Kelman of "Annfields" near Geraldine. This photograph appears on page 874 of the Cyclopedia of New Zealand vol. 3, Canterbury.
William Hay, born 1840 Ballygrainey, County Down, Ireland, died 6 May 1918 “Glendonald”, Albury, South Canterbury of heart failure, buried Albury Cemetery plot 9 Anglican section.

above photograph courtesy of Laurence Eagle
and below - these photographs were with others associated with Victor
Alexander Hahn and may show his parents or other relatives marriages.
His parents Albert James Hahn and Jessie Robertson married about 1903.

Timaru viewed from the Lighthouse
no photographer given but probably William Ferrier
no photographer given but probably William Ferrier
Portrait Postcards
by William Ferrier
Landscape Postcards
by William Ferrier
by William Ferrier
The Delphic and The Suffolk at the Main Wharf, Timaru, NZ.,
by William Ferrier.
Post Office date stamp Timaru, 30 December 1910
Timaru Harbour from the Lighthouse
170. The Marine Parade, Timaru
by William Ferrier protected 1909
[purchased December 2022]
by William Ferrier
[purchased December 2022]
Protected December 1910
Protected W. Ferrier 12/08

Protected W. Ferrier 4/09
The New Church of the Sacred Heart, Timaru, NZ
Protected W. Ferrier 10/09/11
Protected W. Ferrier 10/09/11
241. Empire Hotel Corner, Timaru
by William Ferrier
[purchased December 2022]
by William Ferrier
[purchased December 2022]
422. Messrs J. Ballantyne & Cos new Premises , Stafford Street North, Timaru
by William Ferrier
[purchased December 2022]

The Burns Statue, Timaru
South Canterbury
Mist on the Mountain, Peel Forest
The Cutting, Peel Forest
Mt Cook from near The Hermitage
Another version of this photograph titled "Mt Cook from the Mueller Glacier, back of Hermitage" appears in the book "William Ferrier - Photographer" by John Lester, page 26.
by William Ferrier protected April 1910
[purchased December 2022]
above - "A Likely Place for a Trout, Winchester"
by William Ferrier
reverse message signed by William Ferrier
"Major [John Albert] Young, Winchester, Timaru 26/8/09
Dear Sir, I have sent Enlargement per Rail this day, and trust it will reach you safely. Yours truly, W. Ferrier"
An Angler's Paradise, Winchester
by William Ferrier
The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]
1903, Christchurch(1) Birth certificate - 1855 Ferrier, William (Statutory Births 685/06 0310), General Register Office for Scotland
(2) International Genealogical Index (IGI)
(2) International Genealogical Index (IGI)
Great site , I have some earlier Ferrier material photographs of Scotland and of Oamaru. I am confused as to who took them William or David Ferrier. some dated 1875 - 76.
It is my belief that William was taught Photography by David.The Ferriers were close to photography in its development in the UK. His involvement with Gaul in Christchurch was to learn commercial practice not to learn photography. William McCahon
Hello William, thanks for that information about William Ferrier, I'm no expert on Ferrier but certainly both father and son could have been amateur photographers before William took it up professionally and opened his first studio. David could well have taught William as you say. The 1893 Timaru electoral roll apparently shows David as photographer. (Auckland City Libraries Photographer's Database). Perhaps more as a assistant in his son's studio.
It is interesting you have William Ferrier photographs taken in Scotland. I wonder if that has been known before - that he was a photographer in Scotland?
Are you related to William Ferrier? My great grandfather's cousin Grace Harris was married to Herbert Gordon Ferrier, William's son.
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